New Home Construction...
Radon systems built into new construction have been prevalent in the US and world-wide since 1990. To date, approximately two million homes in the US have been built using EPA protocol ( Two States to date, now require these systems be built into every new home built in their States since early 2007. A third mid-west State is now considering the same action in its legislation.
New home construction is a prime time to install a radon reduction system due to its ability to be built into the house, not added on to it. Because of the ability to get at the main drain-tile system before the floor is closed up, laterals off the main drain-tile system can be run to a desired pathway, through common interior walls and exiting the roof. Because the builder's crew can be used with proper professional instruction, these systems can be installed quickly and efficiently for a fraction of the cost of an "add-on" radon system.
In areas typically having lower radon readings, the system can be installed as a "passive" system, relying on natural soil gas convection. This would simply entail piping running from the basement slab, up and through the roof, with no fan attached. In areas typically over 20pCi/L, a radon fan would need to be installed in the house attic to increase flow and decrease radon rates. This would be called an "active" system. A passive system can be changed to an active or powered system at any time. Planning for electrical service in the house attic is important if this step should be necessary.
Testing all new homes with passive or powered systems should take place as soon as the house is closed and under normal HVAC conditions, when closed-house conditions can be achieved for no less than 12 hours prior to testing.
RMES can consult with any new home buyer or contractor, or provide on-site instruction to crews dealing with the home's drain-tile system and plumbing, in order to install an interior new house construction radon system to EPA protocol.